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sustainable design begins at the idea and works forward to achieve the most efficient outcome.
good design is an agent of change + an advocate for advancement.
Our objective is to build durable and sustainable brands for our clients that drive lasting, quantitative and tangible change in the marketplace and the world.
We consolidate your objectives and requirements and fuse innovative materials and processes, designing for the whole life cycle to reduce the ecological footprint.
put simply, we design for goodness sake.
Quite often, sustainability in business is incorrectly associated with increased responsibility and decreased profits. The fact is; sustainable design is sustainable and the gateway to making ethical judgements for your brand that create a discernible and verifiable difference.
with years of independent research behind the Creativore™ team, we are able to formulate and provide options for your business taking into account all the parameters of meaningful sustainable design + printing.
without co-ordination + consolidation of your internal printing, it is likely that your brand is costing you more than just money.
Internal office printing and supply is often one of the least co-ordinated and least efficient office management tasks. Without a full picture across your organisation, along with frequent last-minute supply runs and minimal understanding of the paper industry and products, organisations can end up spending far more than necessary.
we can review your print requirements, consolidate your inventory, organise pre-scheduled stock arrivals and ensure your organisation is printing sustainably, efficiently and economically.
what's the diff?
Design itself is the starting block of the decisions that lock-in environmental impacts linked to the products life cycle. The size, shape, colour, printing style, press, printery, paper stock, and location choices made by a designer will ultimately determine the ecological footprint.
Our approach to eco projects allows us to minimise the negative impacts of our design work on the environment and your bottom line. By making informed decisions, we can reduce your environmental impact, resulting in less greenhouse gas emissions and a more efficient use of natural resources.
inks to know
Inks and solvents can contain pollutants and create emissions that contribute to environmental pollution. Many printing inks and solvents contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to global climate change.
Some inks also contain toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and barium that can pose major health and environmental risks if they find their way into the natural environment upon bio-degrading. It is important to not only consider the inks used in your branding, but also the processes involved to achieve your desired outcome as these canoften involve specialised equipment and additional transport.
print in the world
An entire industry does not survive on luck for hundreds of years. It relies on its sustainability, relevance and innovation; the printing industry is a global leader in sustainability based transformation.
The mid-15th century saw the rapid global spread of the newly invented Gutenberg Press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg. Printing methods based on Gutenberg's printing press spread rapidly making it the founder and model of modern printing.
As a means of mass reproduction, it was superseded by the introduction of offset printing in the 1870's though some presses remain in use still today. Colour printing, though prohibitively expensive at the time; was invented in 1875.